See the best Mac HD Wallpapers collection. If you see some Mac HD Wallpapers you’d like to use, just click on the image to download to your desktop or mobile devices. Apple Backgrounds download free. Apple Logo Wallpapers HD. Apple Space Wallpapers HD. Apple Wallpaper HD. Search for free Wallpapers. Choose from hundreds of free MacBook wallpapers. Download HD wallpapers for free on Unsplash. MacOS Sierra UltraHD Background Wallpaper for Wide 16:10 5:3 Widescreen WUXGA WXGA WGA UltraWide 21:9 24:10 4K UHD TV 16:9 4K & 8K Ultra HD 2160p 1440p 1080p 900p 720p UHD 16:9 2160p 1440p 1080p 900p 720p Standard 4:3 5:4 3:2 Fullscreen UXGA SXGA DVGA HVGA Smartphone 16:9 3:2 5:3 2160p 1440p 1080p 900p 720p DVGA HVGA WGA Tablet 1:1 iPad 1/2/Mini Mobile 4:3 5:3 3:2 16:9. A workaround to use a virtual background in the google meet, Cisco WebEx and other meeting software without a green screen for a mac os (OSX).
In macOS Mojave or later, you can also choose from Dynamic Desktop images, which automatically change throughout the day based on the time of day in your location.
To add a folder of your own images, click the add button (+) below the list of folders, then choose the folder that contains your images.
For best results, choose images that are stored on your startup disk. Images stored on a different disk might not load reliably after restarting your Mac, depending on how quickly the other disk becomes available after startup.
If you don't see Set Desktop Picture in the shortcut menu, you should see a submenu named Services instead. Choose Set Desktop Picture from there.