Hey guys, in this post will learn about how to download and install IntelliJ for Mac.

  1. Intellij Idea Download
  2. Intellij For Mac
  3. Intellij Idea
  4. Intellij Idea Mac Download
  5. Intellij Idea For Mac 2019.3.3

IntelliJ is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for Java developers. IntelliJ is available in two editions, Ultimate and Community. We will be downloading IntelliJ Community Edition because it’s free, open-source.


  • Download and Install JAVA(JDK)

Download and Install IntelliJ

114 time-saving Hotkeys for IntelliJ IDEA. Extensive, exportable, wiki-style reference lists for Keyboard Shortcuts/Hotkeys. If you are on Mac OS X or Ubuntu, the problem is caused by the symlinks to the JDK. File Invalidate Caches should help. If it doesn't, specify the JDK path to the direct JDK Home folder, not a symlink. Invalidate Caches menu item is available under IntelliJ IDEA File menu. Direct JDK path after the recent Apple Java update is. Fix PATH environment variable for IntelliJ IDEA on Mac OS X. As you can see, the script accepts two input parameters: the absolute path to the IntelliJ IDEA application package (e.g. /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 15.app) and the value of the PATH variable to set. Download the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA for Windows, macOS or Linux. IntelliJ IDEA Coming in 2020.3 What's New Features Resources Buy Download. Double Click IntelliJ; Click Open; Step 8: You should be able to see IntelliJ application has been opened. Step 9: Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA screen. Step 10: You can add IntelliJ to Mac’s Dock by right-clicking IntelliJ which is opened in the Dock - Click Options- Click Keep in Dock so that you can quickly access IntelliJ next time.

Step 1: Navigate to https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/

Step 2: Click on download option

Step 3: In the next screen

Intellij Idea For Mac OsIntellij
  1. Select the platform ( I will be using Mac for my tutorial)
  2. Select the edition

Intellij Idea Download

Step 4: Save the file in your desired location

Step 5: Open the downloaded file, and you should be seeing a message something like verifying and opening. Once you get the below screen, drag and drop the IntelliJ to the Applications folder

Step 6: After you drag and drop into the applications folder, you should see something like below screen,

Step 7: Once the copying process has been done, follow the below steps,

  1. Click Applications folder in the side panel
  2. Double Click IntelliJ
  3. Click Open

Step 8: You should be able to see IntelliJ application has been opened

Step 9: Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA screen

Intellij For Mac

Step 10: You can add IntelliJ to Mac’s Dock by right-clicking IntelliJ which is opened in the Dock -> Click Options -> Click Keep in Dock so that you can quickly access IntelliJ next time.

You have downloaded and installed IntelliJ successfully!!

In my next post, will learn about how to install cucumber plugin for IntelliJ.

Suggested Readings:

Know anyone who would like to learn Cucumber for enhancing their skills? Let them know by sharing this article on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google Plus.

In this post, we look at how to use brew to install IntelliJ Community Edition and Ultimate Edition.

IntelliJ IDEA is an integrated development environment written in Java for developing computer software.

It comes with two licensing modes, CE (Community Edition) and Ultimate.

ItelliJ can be installed on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Intellij idea for mac os catalina

Here, we use Homebrew to install IntelliJ on Mac OS.

Brew Install IntelliJ Community Edition

To install the community edition use:

Brew Install IntelliJ Ultimate Edition

Intellij Idea

MacIntellij idea

Intellij Idea Mac Download

To install the ultimate edition use:

Intellij Idea For Mac 2019.3.3

Once the installation is finished, you can find IntelliJ IDEA in the Applications folder.